How does it feel?

Juries? It is going to be like a year and that big stress we are always trying to handle is reforming to enthusiasm. I realised that I am becoming more comfortable when I am on stage and it starts to become a joy. However I was planing to post some images of my prejury model, unforutnately I broke up the pieces of it. Therefore, I didn’t have any opportunity to take pictures. But I will still add one image of mine. Also, I have another prejury tomorrow, so keep in touch with me for some more pics. FullSizeRender [26342],

So, what about the model? The project was for explaining the reasons for placing the seed to a specific place in the field and analysing the reaction between the seed and the field. That model was presenting a small part of the holl, but the model which is for tomorrow’s jury will be showing all of the field and the seed.

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